Thứ năm - 08/07/2021 16:18 Đã xem: 1231

Buddha taught 3 things:
I- Do not do evil deeds; II - Do good deeds; III - Purify the mind and keep the mind pure.
I - Do not do evil:
The Buddha taught human beings to keep the 5 precepts. The precepts help human beings to stop evil in order to qualify personal morality. So these were the foundation of the human moral ethic.
1) no killing; 2) no stealing; 3) no sexual misconduct; 4) Do not lie; 5) Do not drink alcohol.
The Buddha taught sentient beings to keep these precepts as virtuous.
II - Do good deeds:
1. Show compassion for living beings, by not eating living beings, and freeing them.
2. Show compassion to others, by giving alms, helping people.
3. Show love to family, by loyalty.
4. Show faithful, with honest words.
5. Eat, drink pure, and awake.
The Buddha taught human beings to practice these good things to cultivate good karma.
III - Purify the mind and keep it pure:
The third thing is that the Buddha taught us to cultivate the mind. Our body and speech doing good and evil are caused by the mind. Therefore, we must cultivate the mind. A pure mind helps us to get rid of afflictions and suffering and to destroy greed, anger, delusion, etc. We are free from defilements and delusions; That means the Buddha taught us to live happily and peacefully. A pure mind is the mind of Arahants, Bodhisattvas, and Buddhas. So, the Buddha taught us to purify our minds so that we can turn the ordinary mind into the Buddha mind.
For example: Practising meditation.

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