Thứ năm - 08/07/2021 16:29 Đã xem: 1188

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Buddhism has freedom of belief, right?
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According to western religious researchers said: “Buddhism is justice, equality, and freedom of belief.
I accept that they realized Buddhism very exactly.

I – Buddhism is justice:

The Buddha did not say: “If you believe me, I will send you to heaven”. Why? If you committed the killing, the police will put you in the prison. The Buddha can`t rescue you from the prison. Even though you believe in any Gods or in any Saints, but they also can not remove you from the prison, because, you did commit crimes.
          So the Buddha taught us to believe the cause and effect law. It means:
-        If we created a bad cause, then we get a bad effect.
-        If we created a good cause, then we get a good effect.
-        If we studied medical education, then we can be doctors.
-        If we studied and practiced God`s teachings, then we can become Gods.
-        If we studied and practiced the Buddha`s teachings, then we can become Buddhas.
          The Buddha taught that the cause-and-effect law is justice for everyone. You should have responsibility for your actions.

II – Buddhism is equality:

          The male and the female both are human beings. The Buddha said that both two could study and practice the Buddha`s teaching and both of them could become Buddhas. Because The Buddha said: “All the living beings also have Buddha nature. So the Buddha said that He was already a Buddha; all living beings will be Buddhas in the future. If they study his teachings and practice meditation”.
As we know even human beings and animals all have lives, love, feelings, souls, and Buddha natures so that we all should respect each other.
Summary: the male and the females both are equal.

III – Buddhism is freedom of belief:

          Buddhism guides you on how to live happily by practicing meditation.
          Buddhism guides you on how to qualify your personality by keeping the precepts. The precepts help you stop committing crimes.
          Buddhism guides you on how to become a Buddha by practices of meditation.
          Everyone has the right to freedom of belief in Buddhism.
Namo Sakyamauni Buddha!


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