Thứ năm - 08/07/2021 16:45 Đã xem: 1342




Namo Shakyamuni Buddha!

Dear Master!

I have heard people say this is right and that is wrong. For example, some people say that cultivation must have long hair and long beard, or wear black robes or a scarf on the head, etc. So, how do you know it's the right way?


Namo Shakyamuni Buddha!

Dear, Sister!

Those who are deluded by the false are sentient beings.

The one who understands and realizes the truth is the enlightened one.

If we want to know what is right and wrong, we have to find out with an objective view.

What is the right way?

1) Tao means morality. So, who says what is in line with human morality? That is the righteous way.

Example: If any Divine taught you to kill people and animals; theft, adultery, and lying, etc. This is incompatible with human morality. This is not the Divine.

2) Tao is the way. If anyone says anything in accordance with the path leading to the truth. That is the righteous way.

Example: If the holy book does not teach you to see the truth of life or the truth of the human universe; or not teach you the way to Saints. So, that's not the holy book then.

3) If a Buddhist wants to know what is right and what is wrong, he must base on his 5 precepts, then he will know what is right and what is wrong. 5 precepts are 1) no killing, 2) No stealing, 3) Sexual misconduct, 4) Not to lie, 5) No drinking alcohol.

Next, you should find out if what people say is beneficial for themselves and others.

• If this benefits oneself but harms others, it is not in accordance with the right way.

• If this benefits oneself without harming others, it is the right way.

• If this is harmful to oneself and others, it is not right.

• If this is beneficial for oneself and others, it is the right way.

4) The Buddha taught that if the person is not the Buddha, but he or she says the teachings are in accordance with human morality and in accordance with the truth, then we can learn and apply.


Dear Master!

Some people say that being a follower must let long hair and a long beard, or wear a long black robe or wear a scarf on his head, and so on. So, what is the benefit of these things? and is it the right way or not?


I ask you? Some people have long hair, long beards, long black robes, and scarves on their heads. Do you think these forms make them good people?


No, Surely these forms are not beneficial and do not make them good people. Why are they following those forms?


So you already know. If you want to cultivate virtue, then you must keep the precepts such as not killing, not stealing, not engaging in sexual misconduct, not lying, etc. In addition, you must also benefit others. These are good karmas

Perhaps it is the conceptual difference and the formal difference of religion in general. These forms can bind believers to religion or manage believers who do not apostate.


So what about the form of Buddhism?


Buddhism is important to cultivate morality. So for Buddhists, there is no special form, but for Buddhist monks, there is a special form. For example, shave your head and wear a long robe. Why? Buddhism teaches the practice of liberation from samsara. Therefore, if anyone wants to follow the Buddha's life, they must shave their heads and wear robes. This is a form of making a distinction between laypeople and cultivators.

The Buddha taught:

"Rely on the right way, not rely on people".

It means that we rely on the teachings of the right way. Do not depend on the speaker. Because the speaker can be a good person or a bad person regardless.

Namo Amitabha Buddha!

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