Thứ năm - 08/07/2021 14:50 Đã xem: 1584
If you want to get good knowledge about other religions, about your beliefs, about your spiritual lives, etc. Then you are able to learn it from religious researchers. They would guide you on the ways to research religions more properly. This is your decision. Everyone would like to have one religion for worship and to pray favors. So if you research and have good knowledge about religions, then you will select one ideal religion for yourself.
I - Definition about religion.
II - Religions derive from the human being`s belief.
1) The object of belief had no history.
2) They had no teachings.
3) They were not the founder of religions.
4) They did not have any religious cultivation.
* What is religion?
          Religion worships the creator god who created the earth, human beings, and everything, .etc. Therefore, someone worships and prays him for favors. Especially, He will rescue them to paradise after death.
Namo Shakyamuni Buddha!
Dear Master! We know there are many religions. So, Master! Where did religion come from and who founded it?
Namo Amitabha Buddha!
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!
          Western religious researchers said that religion derived from the concept of human belief. Why?
          Because they researched the belief object of religions had no of historical source and background. Who is the object of belief?
+ The object of belief:
The object of belief is a person who the followers and devotees can believe and worship.
For example, the object of belief can be the holy person, the celestial one, the saints, the creator god, and Buddha, etc.
+ The propagator:
A propagator is a person who propagates theory, teachings to other peoples about the object of belief. They are also representatives and leaders of religions. But they are not the belief object of religions but also not founders of religion.
+ The believers:
The believers are devotees or followers of religion. They are not founders of religions.
          The researchers told that thousand years ago, human beings had undergone a lot of sufferings, such as the suffering of storms, earthquakes, tsunami; the suffering of the wars, suffering of the injustice in society; suffering from starvation; suffering from sickness and death .ect. . So they need some holy persons whom could help and rescue them. Therefore, they prayed to God blessing them luck and happiness. These were reasons why the human beings established the religions and they named all those the holy persons and the creator Gods .etc. After that, they wrote about theory through the concept of human belief. At the same time, they made religious rules for the followers. How can we know that?
          The religious researchers said that there were 4 reasons: 1) The object of belief had no history; 2) They had no teachings; 3) They were not the founder of religions; 4) They did not have any religious cultivation.
1 – The Object of belief had no history:
          The researcher question: “If you trust anyone absolutely, but they did not have history. Are they true or not? You surely answer: “not true”, because they did not have histories. No one knew where they lived and how they were.
If they did not have parents, then they did not have bodies. They did not have bodies. What can you base on to know they are good or bad; they are human beings or saints and about their practices.
If they did not have bodies, how did they give teaching to others? In this case, they did not have bodies. Can they give teachings to others peoples by feeling or by dreams? Surely, it is not. Therefore, they had no bodies and had also no teachings. So, who did not have history, it means that he came from in your dreams and imaginations.
          That is why we must research the history, biography of the object of belief, is it true or not? In this case, the object of belief did not have history. Then, all followers would be superstitious. Because they trusted a person absolutely not true.
Most western researchers looked for histories of the belief object of religions. They did not discover their histories. They almost came from imagination. In the end, the researchers concluded that the belief object of religions had no history.
2 – The object of belief had no teaching:

          The researchers made questions:
1 - To whom did the object of the belief give teachings?
2 – Where did He give teachings?
3 – When did He give teachings?
The researchers discovered that the belief objects had no history. So, they did not have human being bodies, then how did they give teachings to others? In this way, nobody knew to whom He gave teachings; nobody saw where He gave teachings; Nobody discovered when He gave teachings. The researchers confirmed that they did not have teachings.
The religious theory had been written by human beings. Human beings wrote religious theories through the concept of human belief and at the same time, they also made religious rules for the devotees. In fact, the object of belief did not give any teachings.

3 – The object of belief was not the founder of religions:
          The researchers said that the object of beliefs had no histories and no human bodies. Then how could they be founders of religions? So, they were not founders of religions. The religions had been established by human beings.
          Mr. Bill Gates discovered and created Microsoft. Then, we can say that he was a founder of computers.

4 – The object of belief had no religious cultivations:
At first, we confirmed him as a saint, a holy person, a Buddha, or a god. If He was a Saint, Then, we find out about his study and practice.
          The researcher question: “Are there anyone who became a doctor, a dentist without study and practice?” You surely answer no.
The researcher question: “Are there anyone who became a saint, a god without study and practice?” You surely answer no. If the object of belief is a Saint or a holy person, then, we find out their study and practice. In this case, he did not have any study and had no practice to become a saint. Then, we conclude that this saint is the only name; He is a fake saint.
          If the object of belief of religions had no history, they had no religious study and practices. How can we know that they were good or bad, negative or positive; we can not recognize them as a human being, a saint and the holy persons. In the end, the researchers concluded that the religions derived from the concept of human belief.
If you do not trust the western researcher, then you yourself can research the history of the belief object through the four reasons above.
+ Ask:
So, did Buddhism originate from human beliefs?
+ Reply:
Namo Buddha Shakyamuni Buddha!
Ladies and gentlemen!
Western religious people did not say that Buddhism originated from human beliefs. Why? Because
1 – Buddha was a real historical person.
2 – The Buddha was the one who realized the truth and was the founder of Buddhism.

3 – The Buddha had teachings through the Tripitaka (Suttas, Laws, Commentaries)

.4 – The Buddha had a spiritual practice such as learning, cultivating, and propagating through his history.

Thank you for your listening!


The western religious researchers

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